✸12th OCTOBER 2024 | State Theatre Centre of Western Australia

Exhibitor Booth Terms & Conditions

Exhibitor booths are designated for vendors, businesses, and organisations. 

Artists who apply for an exhibitor booth will still be reviewed under the “Artist exhibitor” portfolio policies.

Exhibitor booth package

There is one exhibitor booth package, which includes a booth space (3x3m), and four (4) exhibitor passes. Tables, chairs, and electricity are also available at an additional cost. Please refer to the application form for the respective exhibitor fees.

You may apply for multiple booths (extra booths do not include additional exhibitor passes). Requests to upgrade or alter your exhibitor booth package after applications close are not guaranteed to be actioned.

Exhibitor passes

Extra exhibitor passes are available at an additional cost in the application form, or by request via email to booth@tokyoalleyperth.com for a limited time after applications close. Those who are without an exhibitor pass are not permitted inside the venue during non-event hours.

All persons who are responsible for the booth must be legitimate staff of the respective business/organisation.

Tokyo Alley and venue management reserves the right to remove a person/s in an exhibitor booth if there is reasonable concern towards capacity limitations, even if the person/s are holding an exhibitor pass.

Personal Information

Tokyo Alley may collect your personal information (identification, contact information, documentation etc.) You agree that this information is voluntarily submitted to Tokyo Alley through websites and application forms. If you are submitting the personal information of others, it is your responsibility to make the “other individual” aware of this policy.

You understand that you are not expected nor required by Tokyo Alley to provide personal information. Do not submit your personal information if you do not want to provide it. By not providing personal information, you understand that it may not be possible to submit a successful application.

Any information collected by Tokyo Alley is protected under National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988.

Application process

In the instance where an exceptional number of applications are received, Tokyo Alley may favourably consider earliest-submitted applicants in the interest of fairness.

Exhibitors must provide a website and registered ABN number to prove the legitimacy of their business.

Accepted exhibitors must pay for their invoice in full, and have provided public liability insurance in order to confirm the reservation of their booth space.

Exhibitors who are not accepted in the initial results due to capacity limits will be waitlisted, and may be contacted when a booth space becomes available. Tokyo Alley will not chase up applicants with incorrect emails or broken links.

Stock and Merchandise

All franchise-related merchandise must be legitimate/officially licensed, meaning that it is not bootleg and/or from stolen artwork. AI generated material will be considered as stolen artwork. The reselling of personal second-hand official merchandise (figurines, charms, etc.) is not permitted for exhibitor booths.

Mature content

Tokyo Alley does allow for the distribution of ‘mature’ content, which may involve salacious or lewd material, under the conditions that this content is not displayed or advertised at Tokyo Alley events. Mature content must be kept under the table and appropriately censored. Merchandise must be distributed in an opaque packaging.

Exhibitors must require customers to show a valid form of ID to verify their age (18 years or older) to view or receive this content. Valid forms of ID include a driver’s licence or passport. Student cards or club memberships are not an acceptable form of ID.

Tokyo Alley is not responsible for the distribution of mature artwork to minors, unsolicited or otherwise.

General Exhibitor Terms & Conditions

Responsibilities and expectations

All exhibitors agree to Tokyo Alley’s over-arching event Terms & Conditions, and Code of Conduct. Exhibitors are responsible for their respective space and surrounding area. Upon pack-down, all exhibitors must properly dispose or collect all non-venue materials in their area.

Tokyo Alley is not responsible for the expectations or results of business performance.


 Exhibitors are responsible for coordinating and providing their own set-up, display, and merchandise. The set-up must not disrupt other exhibitors or attendees, physically, auditorily, or by any other means regarding sensory concerns. The set-up must not extend beyond your assigned space.


Consumption of food is allowed behind the table. Tokyo Alley is not responsible for any harm caused by food, food contact, or food consumption.

Property damage

Tokyo Alley, as an organisation, is not responsible for damage of exhibitor property. Exhibitors which cause any damage to venue or hire property, within their respective area will be held responsible, in regards to potential remuneration or fees.


Tokyo Alley has a responsibility to investigate all reports concerning exhibitors. Tokyo Alley and venue management reserves the right to question or revoke a table space, or have merchandise taken down if an exhibitor is found to be in non-compliance with the terms and conditions and/or code of conduct.