Activities Terms and Conditions
Activities at Tokyo Alley involve (but is not limited to) interactive experiences in the form of demonstration, workshop, or game. In this document, the individual or collective which hosts an activity will be refered to as “the Host”.
Activity resources
Tokyo Alley events have dedicated areas for events, providing a pre-determined layout of several tables and chairs. By the discretion of the venue, power can be supplied upon request (cords or outlets not provided).
Within reason, Tokyo Alley will accommodate activities that require a specific layout of tables and chairs. The host is responsible for providing their own materials, devices, and presentations. The host is responsible for the transportation of these materials. All items are subject to review by Tokyo Alley and venue staff.
Exhibitor passes
Within reason, Tokyo Alley will provide exhibitor passes to accommodate the number of persons required to run the activity.
Tokyo Alley and venue management reserves the right to remove a person/s behind a table if there is reasonable concern towards capacity limitations, even if the person/s are holding an exhibitor pass.
Personal Information
Tokyo Alley may collect your personal information (identification, contact information, documentation etc.) You agree that this information is voluntarily submitted to Tokyo Alley through websites and application forms. If you are submitting the personal information of others, it is your responsibility to make the “other individual” aware of this policy.
You understand that you are not expected nor required by Tokyo Alley to provide personal information. Do not submit your personal information if you do not want to provide it. By not providing personal information, you understand that it may not be possible to submit a successful application.
Any information collected by Tokyo Alley is protected under National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988.
Application process
Activity applications will be processed through a juried system to ensure eligible applicants are relevant to Tokyo Alley events.
In the instance where an exceptional number of applications are received, Tokyo Alley may favourably consider earliest-submitted applicants in the interest of fairness. Applicants who are not accepted in the initial results due to capacity limits will be waitlisted, and may be contacted when a table space becomes available. Tokyo Alley will not chase up applicants with incorrect emails.
Mature content
Due to the interactive nature of activities, mature content will not be accepted.
Activities which involve a competitive nature must have further approval by Tokyo Alley as a partner. Competition hosts are primarily responsible for the operations of their activity, promotions, and prizes provided.
Activities which intend to charge for participation must clearly indicate no association with Tokyo Alley.